Sunday, December 14, 2008



I haven't posted a blog in a while so I think it's about time for an update huh?

Nothing much has changed really. I still don't have a job despite zutto trying. It's irritating me. There isn't many jobs around at the moment and I've applied for nearly all of them so really now it's just a waiting game. Which by the way, I hate. Gah. Some people have it so easy T_T

The resident swallows we have at our house have a newly built platform to build their nest on so that they don't spray mud and fecees (is that how you spell it? what about ficese? oh fuck it, their SHIT) all down the freshly painted wall. The other night I suggested we name them and my grandparents whole-heartedly agreed. My first suggest was swallow and vomit. (Vomit being the female one, for obvious reasons ;)). I had considered swallow and spit, but I really didn't think it was appropriate. My Nana already thought swallow and vomit were disguisting while my grandad was standing next to me beside himself with laughter. A conclusion was reached we will call them Louie and Lynda. Welcome to the family!

So last night was the xmas in the park concerty thing. So, being dutiful as I am, I was promptly home at 4 o'clock to go there -_________-. Might I remind you Mandy was in my bad books for reading the freakin bus timetable virtually upside down and wasting two hours of my life! So, she was endebited (if that's not a word, it should be) to be dragged along to operatic-nonxmas-cupcake-dress-wearing-southafrican-trying-to-sing-in-maori of a concert. Joyous wasn't it? So we went for a walk to the portaloo's. The highlight of the night I say when mandy proclaimed she didn't know how to flush it o_O. Then we went for a walk to the playground and met shane and his asian buddy and chatted for a while. Then went back to the concert-crap in time for some pretty neat fireworks :)

I'm still a little lost on what I want to do with my life. I don't know if I want to stay at IPC the full three years and do the bachelor in international studies, leading me into international business WITH a degree in Japanese also, OR if I want to drop out of IPC after the first year with my diploma in the language and move to Wellington to study linguistics and possibly a 3rd language (properly). That would take a further three years off my life after IPC, but I think it might be worth it if thats really where my interest lies. Gah. I guess I have till next year to sort it out huh?

Anyways. I think I might find something to watch. I'm bored.



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