Thursday, December 18, 2008


So... we went camping.
Two days. Two boys. One girl. Two days.

So I got up at 8am on wednesday morning, not that that's toooo hard. Had my shower etc. Janina was supposed to be at my place at 9am and I was gonna stall her so that Anton had a little more time to prepare. I was ready to go by 9:04 and Janina arrived at 9:06, LATE. But that's k.

We went to a place about 50 minutes outside of Napier, Next to the Mohaka, near the Organs Loop Meander.

Me and Anton went for a widdle walk up a hill. It didn't SEEM hard. But it was. We had to cross the river first which we majorly underestimated. Then we picked the most difficult method to get half way up the hill. If I was to sum it up in three words, it would be: mud, shit and thorns. Luckily we got half way and found a better method. A great view of the top of Janina reading her damn book at the tent. She waved to us. I filled my pockets with bits of Pumice on the way down too.

Also, we went for a drive up the the Organs Loop Meander which was a good view of pretty much nothing spectacular besides the Organs and the Meander. Some prettyful photos tho ^_^.

Also we had a fire. We spent a while in the avo preparing the fire. Janina was keen and walked off on her own to collect wood *cough cough*. Considering we didn't really have any proper things to light a fire (besides a lighter), it was a really good fire. We burnt lots of sticks in it, despite the smoke constantly blowing towards either me or Anton for some reason. It obviously liked Janina, probably because she pulled our originally prepared fire to bits and rebuilt it for her satisfaction of safety. It woulda been sweet anyways T_T.

While around the fire, we drank a bit of stuffs and got a wee bit "happy". We could still walk in straight lines though (especially mine) our balance was slightly impaired. I went to bend down to pick up some sticks to put in the fire and fell over o_O

As far as food was concerned, me and Anton decided before hand that just plainly lettuce and ham would do us. It did. Though on thursday morning we made pancakes. We didn't have a spatula so used knives ^_^

We played a fair bit of cards. Some really intense games of Last Card using Nicky's rules of King means you change hands with other people. So exciting. Then we played alot of poker with Janina cleaning us out everytime. Followed by alot of 豚の尻尾 [Buta no shippo] (Pig's Tail) which was quite intense at times. Like when I went for a hike to the long drop and scared the living daylights out of Janina and Anton. I suppose they deserved it because while I was away they setup a rigged game T_T. Oh, and we also played Monopoly, which Anton beat me coz of those damn hotels on the yellow squares. Janina was out for the count pretty quick though.

The river was soooo damn cold. We went for a swim, going into the shallow as end we soon saw it dropped off to really deep towards the cliff face. After hesitation from me and Janina (none from Anton) we dived into the freezing water. I couldn't feel my toes, fingers or nose when I got out. We floated downstream a little and came up on a shore around the corner. We climbed over the hill to get back to where we were. Was fun trying to swim back through the strong current o_O.

Whoever invented sandflies needs to be shot.


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