Monday, January 12, 2009

What a way to start 2009

Well this is my first post of 2009!! Alot has happened since you last heard from me, so find yourself a comfortable place and get ready to read!

2008. What did it bring to me? I'd have to say that 2008 was probably the second most miserable year I had at times (next to 2007), but also one of the most, well, adventurous and exciting years I've had since 1991 (I mean, popping out of a dark tunnel and heading toward the light to find life rather than death was quite epic really, hard to beat you know!). The biggest thing of 2008 was all the mixed emotions and feeling about certain areas of my life. Mainly what DID I want? I mean sure, the BBQ Pork Noodles (#15) looked exciting and a new adventure for me, but I wanted to stick to my usual love... #6... Singapore Noodles... mmmmmmm. Hehe, ok enough fooling around, you know what I was REALLY referring to... In these respects the year was a fucking nightmare for me, with very few friends in Hawkes Bay to turn to because everyone is too fucking snobby... I had to deal with it on my own.

In 2008 I probably lost more friends than I ever have, and gained just as many. People who didn't want to know me because of something I can't help, or who decided they wanted a relationship despite that and couldn't handle it when I gave in. Yes, you know who you are! I came to see the true sides of people I had started to befriend last year, how arrogant and up themselves they could be in judging other people and putting them on a lower level. I very quickly wanted nothing to do with them, especially when rumors started arising from somewhere in their direction which caused alot of hurt for me and my newly acquired friend. (Notice I'm not naming any names?). But on the plus side I gained a few new friends whom I want to cherish for the rest of forever, and one very special friend who I wouldn't trade for anything in the world, 'cept maybe an order of #6 from Noodle Canteen :). Haha, just kidding! The school ball was a disaster. 'Nuff said.

As far as school goes, it was the last year ever. I really don't feel like I achieved anything. Most of Chemistry I slept through or made little paper cranes with little paper boats to accompany. I spent most of English playing hangman with Tarah or yelling at Jade to shut up (yes, I'm mentioning names now). Japanese... don't get me started. Who is Mr Fairley trying to kid by trying to manage two classes at once. By manage, I mean, spend 95% of our weekly hours with the year 12's and leave the year 13's to eat M&M's and throw things at each other. Lucky I could understand Lvl 3 Japanese by mid-year 12 anyway otherwise I would've struggled like the rest of the class. Even Jade who spent a year in Japan. Poor sods! (except her, she had no reason to struggle). Geography... pfft. A poor excuse of a subject. I used this time to study Russian vocabulary lists or write essays or last minute speeches for Japanese haha. Physics. Dropped it in May. Probably for a good reason. And last but certainly least, Calculus. Our teacher was pathetic. Especially the time the whole class failed. All she does is eat in front of us and txt in class and we're not allowed to! Talk about double-standards -__-. Exams in November left me feeling slightly uneasy and incredibly stressed. Results soon!

Christmas was good. Lots of over eating and drinking in small quantities (you get that when living with grandparents ^^"). I decided to boycott buying presents as I thought it was a waste of time because all Christmas has become is a commercial holiday. I'd rather buy people birthday presents because it actually means something. Or at least I thought it did -___-.

New years was great. Spent it with my wife-to-be Mandy and we watch awesome fireworks at the sound shell after spending the afternoon criticising each others choice of music while singing to BassHunter songs as that's the only common artist we both like -__-. Then we went back to hers and watched Kill Bill. Mandy is scared of blood but I made her anyway :). We had a little bit to drink then got tired and crashed on the floor. The next day Mandy had all her rallies arrive and we had heaps to eat with one of her younger rallies outside on the kiddies table ^^.

I started work as of the 5th of January working with at the same company as my Granddad. "Equipment Market" in Hastings... They make/sell/repair electric motors, gear boxes and any other equipment or piece of machinery places like packhouses or orchards would need (seeings as HB is FULL of them). I seem to have the job of doing the niggly things no one else wants to. Plus reordering and keeping track of stock in the storeroom. It means I get to drive the forklift. Gosh, If I drive a car anything like I drive a forklift, you had better watch out!! ><...

Stupid Kiwibank think they can lock me out of my internet banking account. I'll show them >< (by ringing them and politely asking them to unlock it while answering all my security questions correctly... aha, go me!).

Guess what? I turned 18 on Saturday finally! And to all the pieces of turd pie out there who didn't bother to wish me happy birthday... go suck your momma's titty mushrooms, I don't want to know you. I had fun anyway. Jenny prank called me three times, then confessed her love of my elbows by txt, then rang me for the fourth time seriously when Mandy picked up and mistook her for Tarah haha. Me, Mandy and Shane all went to Hot Chick for dinner and ate food while I txted Nicky's boyfriend to shut up and leave Mandy alone and stop pressuring her while telling MJ that she can't steal my best friend on MY BIRTHDAY because she's starting work soon. HELLO, most of us work too! Did I mention it was my birthday too?? Anyway, then we went to the Mill and they made me buy alkies so I bought shots hehe. Went back to Shane's and watched TV and drinked. Mandy was drunk. I was ever so straight. o_O

Then yesterday, shit hit the fan with Nicky. I told her what I really think and she doesn't want anything to do with me. Yet another friend disappearing over something so mindlessly petty.

I decided late 2008 (sometime between Christmas and New Years) that anyone who doesn't bother with me doesn't get any bother back. So if you want to keep knowing me, BOTHER!!

Yours Truly


Thursday, December 18, 2008


So... we went camping.
Two days. Two boys. One girl. Two days.

So I got up at 8am on wednesday morning, not that that's toooo hard. Had my shower etc. Janina was supposed to be at my place at 9am and I was gonna stall her so that Anton had a little more time to prepare. I was ready to go by 9:04 and Janina arrived at 9:06, LATE. But that's k.

We went to a place about 50 minutes outside of Napier, Next to the Mohaka, near the Organs Loop Meander.

Me and Anton went for a widdle walk up a hill. It didn't SEEM hard. But it was. We had to cross the river first which we majorly underestimated. Then we picked the most difficult method to get half way up the hill. If I was to sum it up in three words, it would be: mud, shit and thorns. Luckily we got half way and found a better method. A great view of the top of Janina reading her damn book at the tent. She waved to us. I filled my pockets with bits of Pumice on the way down too.

Also, we went for a drive up the the Organs Loop Meander which was a good view of pretty much nothing spectacular besides the Organs and the Meander. Some prettyful photos tho ^_^.

Also we had a fire. We spent a while in the avo preparing the fire. Janina was keen and walked off on her own to collect wood *cough cough*. Considering we didn't really have any proper things to light a fire (besides a lighter), it was a really good fire. We burnt lots of sticks in it, despite the smoke constantly blowing towards either me or Anton for some reason. It obviously liked Janina, probably because she pulled our originally prepared fire to bits and rebuilt it for her satisfaction of safety. It woulda been sweet anyways T_T.

While around the fire, we drank a bit of stuffs and got a wee bit "happy". We could still walk in straight lines though (especially mine) our balance was slightly impaired. I went to bend down to pick up some sticks to put in the fire and fell over o_O

As far as food was concerned, me and Anton decided before hand that just plainly lettuce and ham would do us. It did. Though on thursday morning we made pancakes. We didn't have a spatula so used knives ^_^

We played a fair bit of cards. Some really intense games of Last Card using Nicky's rules of King means you change hands with other people. So exciting. Then we played alot of poker with Janina cleaning us out everytime. Followed by alot of 豚の尻尾 [Buta no shippo] (Pig's Tail) which was quite intense at times. Like when I went for a hike to the long drop and scared the living daylights out of Janina and Anton. I suppose they deserved it because while I was away they setup a rigged game T_T. Oh, and we also played Monopoly, which Anton beat me coz of those damn hotels on the yellow squares. Janina was out for the count pretty quick though.

The river was soooo damn cold. We went for a swim, going into the shallow as end we soon saw it dropped off to really deep towards the cliff face. After hesitation from me and Janina (none from Anton) we dived into the freezing water. I couldn't feel my toes, fingers or nose when I got out. We floated downstream a little and came up on a shore around the corner. We climbed over the hill to get back to where we were. Was fun trying to swim back through the strong current o_O.

Whoever invented sandflies needs to be shot.


Tuesday, December 16, 2008








Monday, December 15, 2008







Sunday, December 14, 2008



I haven't posted a blog in a while so I think it's about time for an update huh?

Nothing much has changed really. I still don't have a job despite zutto trying. It's irritating me. There isn't many jobs around at the moment and I've applied for nearly all of them so really now it's just a waiting game. Which by the way, I hate. Gah. Some people have it so easy T_T

The resident swallows we have at our house have a newly built platform to build their nest on so that they don't spray mud and fecees (is that how you spell it? what about ficese? oh fuck it, their SHIT) all down the freshly painted wall. The other night I suggested we name them and my grandparents whole-heartedly agreed. My first suggest was swallow and vomit. (Vomit being the female one, for obvious reasons ;)). I had considered swallow and spit, but I really didn't think it was appropriate. My Nana already thought swallow and vomit were disguisting while my grandad was standing next to me beside himself with laughter. A conclusion was reached we will call them Louie and Lynda. Welcome to the family!

So last night was the xmas in the park concerty thing. So, being dutiful as I am, I was promptly home at 4 o'clock to go there -_________-. Might I remind you Mandy was in my bad books for reading the freakin bus timetable virtually upside down and wasting two hours of my life! So, she was endebited (if that's not a word, it should be) to be dragged along to operatic-nonxmas-cupcake-dress-wearing-southafrican-trying-to-sing-in-maori of a concert. Joyous wasn't it? So we went for a walk to the portaloo's. The highlight of the night I say when mandy proclaimed she didn't know how to flush it o_O. Then we went for a walk to the playground and met shane and his asian buddy and chatted for a while. Then went back to the concert-crap in time for some pretty neat fireworks :)

I'm still a little lost on what I want to do with my life. I don't know if I want to stay at IPC the full three years and do the bachelor in international studies, leading me into international business WITH a degree in Japanese also, OR if I want to drop out of IPC after the first year with my diploma in the language and move to Wellington to study linguistics and possibly a 3rd language (properly). That would take a further three years off my life after IPC, but I think it might be worth it if thats really where my interest lies. Gah. I guess I have till next year to sort it out huh?

Anyways. I think I might find something to watch. I'm bored.



Friday, December 5, 2008


Today... is... FRIDAY. Last day of a week from hell. Literally haha, it crept up last weekend outta a hole in the ground I dug outside last week. I had intended to use the whole hole (bad pun)  to keep my pet cockroach collection in. Fortunately I think Marcus has finally died. Marcus was a cockroach I caught last week trying to get into my pants... well not really, he crawled across my hand at 2am in the morning. So I put him into a jar and left him over night. The next night, I opened the jar to chuck his carcass out but the little beggar was till alive!! So now hes been under strict Oxygen control systeming by method of a Jar and hopefully he's breathed his last breath... HOPEFULLY.

So what did I do today? No seriously... I can't remember.

This morning I woke to the dog barking at another fucken bird. That reminds me, the swallows that had their chicks on the latern outside the front door have now started making a nest on the SIDE of one of the beams going across in the carport. They really are bird brains. (haha, another bad pun).

After that, I made some sandwhiches and listened to music for ages.

Later on I went to McDonalds with shane cause he was hungry and I wanted Ice Cream. I think... There was a whole bus load of people from Wairoa College in there trying to order huge boxes of happy meals -_____-. It meant the usual crappy service at McDonalds was even SLOWER. Took us 10 minutes to get an ice cream o_O. PLUS everyone from that school (I'm not trying to be racist, but they were!) all maori or islanders. I mean wtf... EVERY ONE OF THEM. gawd... then I had what looked like a 13yo girl staring at me cause I sat on my seat sideways, it's not THAT strange haha.

Anyways then I came home... did "stuff". Then went for a bike ride for an hour down to taradale cause I felt like it. Damn it's hot. I wanna swim, but I can't cause I'm going to go babysit my step-cousin till god knows what hour. I'd sooooo rather be "elsewhere".

Well... ttyl

Not that anyone who I don't already know and force to read this actually does read it -____-

oh well.


Thursday, December 4, 2008

First thursday of many to come

Ok so today is Thursday. I've spent the morning doing nothing exciting wasting my precious time. I was in the shower this morning and the phone rang, thinking it might have been the people from the cellphone repair place I quickly jumped out, grabbed my towel and ran to get the phone. It was just my nana wanting to speak to someone who wasn't here yet and wasn't supposed to be till this afternoon. I noticed I left a nice trail of wet foot prints in the carpet in my adventure too. Kinda like a yeti in snow but blue snow that a smurf had wee'd on.

So anyway, I'm still jobless and cellphone less and hungry. Maybe I should find something to eat. I'm always eating, yet still losing weight which my nana is both worried about coz I don't SEEM to do alot of exercise, but really, 50km of biking a week is heaps, and she's annoyed as she apparently (not from my observations, in which if it was and I point it out I'd surely die) has been gaining weight. But meh.. biking is fun and it doesn't hurt so much like running or boxing o_O.

I kinda have a headache. 

I'm bored shitless. I want to either see friends of some description, but it seems they are all busy or I can't contact them coz I have no phone OR I wanna go pick up my phone already ><

A word of advice, never spend all day cleaning your room. Bad idea.
